I find that discussing the philosophical concepts with their peers increases the students' retention of information. Encouraging the students to grapple with the texts openly allows me to identify what material I may need to review or restate in order to make the concepts clearer. To this end, I aim to offer multiple outlets for students to discuss the readings. I have two core strategies that help facilitate the students' evaluation, appraisal, and extension of philosophical concepts. In smaller seminars, each student is expected to lead a 15-20 minute discussion on a single text during the semester. The student must facilitate discussion, answer questions about the text, and involve the other students in connecting the text to the larger themes and questions guiding our course module. I offer advice to the students on their questions in advance and make sure that my lecture fits well with their planned discussion. In larger classes, the students write weekly summaries of the assigned materials and ask questions which I can address in our next meeting.